Do I have Adverse Credit?

If your credit rating or profile is not considered to be ‘good’, then you could have adverse credit. You may feel as though you have no hope of buying your own home. Equally you may feel trapped with the same lender on your remortgage. How many clients have been refused a mortgage with a “High Street” bank? These feelings often lead to giving up buying for another few years until credit ratings improves. 

If this is how you are feeling, we could potentially have options available for you. At Clements Financial we are adverse credit specialists. We will look over your credit report and give you as many options as possible. For some this may be limited, for others there may be more choice than you thought.

What is adverse Credit?

Adverse credit can mean a lot of different things. No two people are alike and we all have had issues in our past that may have affected our ability to make payments. Adverse Credit or Bad Credit can be as simple as a few missed payments in the recent past, but could also be a client who has had a bankruptcy filed against them in the past. It’s our job to assess your background and credit history and then help potentially find you a solution. 

What is an adverse mortgage advisor?

Adverse Mortgage advisors work with specialist lenders who are willing to offer mortgages to those with ‘Bad Credit’. Whether that be bankruptcy or IVA’s on their credit files or CCJ’s and Defaults. Applying for a mortgage with the above or missed payments on your credit file can make finding a lender more difficult. Here at Clements financial we can help you navigate around your financial glitches on your credit file and try to find you a solution. We will tailor your bespoke mortgage package to potentially accommodate your situation.

One of the most important things we will need is a copy of your credit file. We use check my file as this allows us to see your credit history with three of the UK’s credit reference agencies: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. With this information we can assess your situation and guide you to the right lender accordingly. 

Get your credit report today by clicking the link below:

What is an Adverse Credit Mortgage? 

There is no such thing as an Adverse Credit Mortgage. However, mortgage lenders have different criteria around all kinds of adverse credit – some even have certain products and offers that give you specific options based on your credit profile. We have a wealth of knowledge in helping people with adverse credit and maybe we can help you get what you need. 

I have been told I can’t get a mortgage, can you help? 

Not all mortgage brokers are fortunate enough to have had the experience necessary or access to lenders, to be able to help clients with bad credit. Whether its a blip on your credit file or something more we have the knowledge and experience to help. We have access to lenders that can open up your options and potentially find a solution.

What Is a Credit report?

A credit report is a file that contains all the information the credit reference agencies hold on you, the three UK credit reference agencies are Experian, Equifax and Transunion. We use check my file to obtain your credit report as this document holds the information the three agencies hold on you. 

This date includes any credit you may have, current mortgage, credit cards, loans, communication accounts, utility accounts etc. It also holds court information linked to you and also any known associates, linked addresses. 

Get your credit report today by clicking the link below:

Can I get a mortgage or remortgage with bad credit? 

The term ‘bad credit’ can mean a lot of different things. From a low credit score, perhaps some missed payments or you could have some recent or historical defaults or CCJ’s. After reviewing your credit file, we will be able to advise you accordingly on your best course of action. If we can’t help now, we will guide you and give you some milestones to hit to get you mortgage ready in the future. This is not always a quick fix, but with long term planning you will be able to make the changes you need to make to get yourself that dream home!